Friday, May 6, 2011

Earth Day cleanup

One of my biggest pet peeves is LITTER. I often wonder why people do it. So here are some reasons I think people litter:
  1. Stuff falls off their truck on the way to the landfill
  2. They have no room in their car trash bag
  3. They are LAZY
  4. They don't care
I am pretty sure that people are either #3 or #4. It really irks me- I mean, is it really SO hard to take the trash home, throw it in the can, and then have that hauled off to the landfill?

Anyhow, my husband and I decided for Earth Day to go and clean up a roadside near our house. We drive by it every day, and it really bothered me to see all the plastic bottles and other debris. So we spend about 40 minutes picking up- he collected trash, I collected recyclables.

We collected 1 trash bag of each. There was less trash than recycling, but about 90% of what we collected was plastic bottles.

All this for 40 minutes worth of picking up.
It's sickening, isn't it?
It's really not that hard...put your trash in the trash, put your recycling in the recycling bin!!

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